The Path 路
Designed and handmade by Joe Li
Material: Copper
Size: 32.5 X 6.5 X 22.5 cm
This long, long road stretches before you, so long that its end cannot be seen. Along this journey of life, guiding lights that show you the way, as well as places for you to rest, are always here for you. To persevere in a challenging life or to look for living in peace and stability? That is the question.
路 他們要走的路,很長,很長,長到看不見消失點。結伴同行而漫長的人生裡,有指路明燈,也有休息的地方;走累了,仍可停下休息,再走更遠的路。希望努力向上,接受更多挑戰?還是渴求平淡安穩的生活? 選擇權永在你手。